We translate into almost any language!

A global network of professional translators

We translate from and into almost every known language. Because we work with a global network of professional translators, we can easily find the perfect translator for every text. And not just in terms of language! All our translators have one or more fields or areas of expertise in which they excel.

International translation agency

We are an international translation agency. We translate into and from Dutch, but also from other languages – such as French, English, Spanish, German, etc. – into some of the most spoken and less common languages.

Native speakers only

A native translation means that the translation was done by a native speaker of the target language. Because we value quality translations, that is how we work. That way we can be sure to provide you with perfect translations. Which are double-checked by another native language speaker!

Most spoken languages

We speak the most spoken languages. Our translators translate into:

  • English
  • French
  • Spanish
  • German
  • Arabic
  • Portuguese
  • Polish
  • Chinese
  • Italian
  • Norwegian
  • Danish
  • Swedish
  • Finnish
  • ….

Less common languages

But our large network of expert translators spans the planet. Meaning we can provide translations into many foreign languages.

All of them? That is a bit of a stretch, given that there are more than 6,000 languages that are spoken worldwide. We do however provide translation services in many exotic languages – such as Korean, Japanese, Thai, Hindi or even African languages. We can almost always find a competent translator for your translation assignment!

A rush job?

Have something that needs to be translated urgently? We will pull out all the stops to assist you. Thanks to our extensive network, we can usually provide a quality translation fairly quickly.

For SMEs, businesses and liberal professions

We are knowledgeable in many languages, but also in many fields of expertise, industries, professions, … We provide translation services to SMEs, larger companies and liberal professions and are experts in these translations:

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How much does a translation cost?

This depends on the type of text, its length, the language of the text, the language into which it needs to be translated, … We have competitive prices for top quality translations. Send us your text and we’ll be happy to quote you a price!

Need a translation into a common or less common language?
We’d be happy to quote you a price!

Call +32 496 22 11 12 or send us an e-mail!